Posts by Jim Moran

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Posts by Jim Moran

Root Cause Analysis Part 3 – Some Tools To Try…

Ever since the first non-conformance was written, we've been looking for ways to find the cause, do a corrective action and bid farewell to the profit sucking problem. It's been a problem closing out non-conformances since I've been associated with ...

What’s YOUR Problem?!?

When making your non-conformance (problem) statement, be sure to choose words that will get the response that you're looking for. Stating a non-conformance as, "The operator did not follow the procedure" will set the root cause analysis back 30 years. ...

Why Do A Root Cause Analysis – What’s In It For Me?

Root Cause Analysis is one of the best investments an organization can make in itself. Preventing a problem from recurring is like taking a wheelbarrow of money to the bank! As for the 'WIIFM?' let's start with this 'cost of ...

How to Design A Process for Protection

The path to comfort with your risk management plan can be a complicated on one hand and scary on the other. This may help get you started down this path with a plan to work with.  Since the 1960s we've ...

Risk and Opportunity Go Hand In Hand

When the final version of ISO 9001 arrived, we saw a new phrase, 'risks and opportunities' in clause 6.1. We have seen thousands of posts on 'risk', I've done webinars and videos on the topic and it is always a ...

Managing Risk vs Risk Management – What’s The Difference?

You may have heard these terms used interchangeably - I know I have. I thought I'd take a look into ISO 31000 to see if any light could be shed on this monumental question! It turns out that the answer ...

The Process Approach – What’s In It For Me?

John Seddon has been promoting Systems Thinking for years - I've been following him for nearly 30 years now and I've used the Vanguard Method approach to management system design since the early 2000s. A number of Federal Departments in ...

Are Our Measurements Helping Us Understand Customers?

John Seddon ( Tactics for Getting Started) has been helping companies improve processes for decades. He has improved organizations with 'Systems Thinking' based on Deming's work and the Toyota Production System that Taiichi Ohno created in post WWII Japan. He ...

What Do Customers Want?

Customers want us to  meet their expectations If we spend the time determining customer requirements, we can increase our resilience if we meet their requirements - 'Needs + Expectations'. John Seddon has some great ideas on customer satisfaction and delivering ...

How Can We Create a ‘Risk Based’ Culture?

ISO Standards, for the most part have moved to 'Risk-based thinking' as one of their themes. It makes complete sense to include this as part of the fabric of our organizations in order to reduce the chaos of unexpected events, ...