Category "Improvement"
There are 81 results found
Don’t Waste My Time!
James P. Womack identifies this as a place to improve in Lean Solutions with Daniel Jones. We don't want to lose customers by keeping them waiting. Consider this: "If we had to pay our customers for the time they wait to ...
From ‘Thinking’ to ‘Action’
This is a solid set of steps developed by James P. Womack in his book Lean Thinking. He was into the Lean stream very early and has done some great work. He mentions Taiichi Ohno and The Toyota Production System in ...
Can We Make Improvements Through Integration?
You bet we can!! When we integrate 2 or more Standards, the time savings start immediately! It takes some work to combine some of the requirements, but the benefits last for the life of the system. Top Management Benefits Management ...
Unleash Potential…Drive Out FEAR!
You may recognize Deming's 8th 'Point' - Drive Out Fear. There's no better way to get people 'engaged' (ISO 9001, 5.1.1 h) than creating a work environment where people feel listened to and respected for their expertise, no matter how ...
Promote Pride in People
This is Deming's 12th point - another great idea that can improve the work environment in any organization! Start with a few questions and see what emerges... Question: Is management REALLY listening? Or are people feeling like no one's responding? ...
A New Twist on PDCA
John Seddon, Vanguard Consulting, released a great book called 'Freedom From Command and Control'. There are plenty of great ideas in there, and I enjoy sharing them with you! Seddon started applying the 'Toyota Production System' to the service industry ...
Learn to ‘See’… Learn to ‘Lead’
John Seddon, Vanguard Consulting, published a book in 2005 called "Freedom from Command and Control". Definitely worth reading if you're interested in tapping the vast potential of any workforce. One of his interesting ideas is 'Learn to see, learn to ...
Five Tips to Get Management Buy-in
If your process improvement project has stalled, perhaps Management could give it a boost...if they're on board! The first key is to make sure they understand the context of the project and how it fits into current circumstances. If a ...
Four Keys to Action Plans
You'll notice in ISO 9001:2015 that clause 6.2.2 requires action plans for Quality Objectives. Yikes! Here's the good news: these plans will help. Design your Action Plans to help you reach your targets - hitting targets will help you improve ...
Two Keys to Process Improvement
Too many well-intentioned improvement projects end up in the weeds. How does this happen? Too much focus on the process and not enough focus on the goal. Unless that process is really causing people grief they won't be all that ...