New Podcast: Information Security in Supplier Contracts: ISO 27036 Part 2, Clause 7.3 – Supplier Relationship Agreement

Howard and Jim chat about  ISO 27036-2, Clause 7.3 – Supplier Relationship Agreement Process.

Points discussed include:

  1.  How important it is for businesses to have supplier contracts that address information security?
  2.  The key elements that should be included in an agreement to ensure information security.
  3.  How can businesses effectively measure their suppliers’ compliance with information security requirements?
  4.  What role does change management play in supplier agreements and information security?
  5.  How can businesses ensure a smooth transition with their suppliers when it comes to information security?
  6.  The potential risks and challenges businesses face when it comes to maintaining information security in the supply chain.
  7.  How businesses can effectively monitor and enforce their suppliers’ compliance with information security standards.
  8.  The criteria  businesses should use when selecting suppliers for information security purposes.
  9. The measures businesses can take to protect sensitive information during and after the termination of a supplier agreement.
  10.  Industry-specific considerations or regulations that businesses should be aware of when it comes to information security in the supply chain

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Upcoming Episodes

Howard and Jim chat about:

  • ISO 27036-2 Supplier Relationship Requirements – Clause 7.4 – Supplier Relationship Management Process
  • ISO 27036-2 Supplier Relationship Requirements – Clause 7.5 – Supplier Relationship Termination Process