Category "Transition to ISO 9001:2015"

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Transition to ISO 9001:2015

An integrated management system? Why not?

Here's a VENN diagram we created to get you started down your integration path. You'll may find this 'Why Integrate?' article by Peter Elias Alouche helpful, too: Here's the VENN diagram - click on it to enlarge it:   Here's the ...

All you need to know – Clause 9: Performance Evaluation

Of course we want to measure our performance to know how well we're doing. In fact, if we don't measure how things are going, we run the risk of experiencing 'unplanned results'. Never a good thing, unless the results are better ...

All you need to know…Support – Clause 7 of ISO 9001:2015

Well, this is interesting! If you're already ISO 9001 certified, you've probably got this covered, for the most part. Let's take a look... As in the past, we need 3 major categories of resources to support our operations: People (7.1.2), Infrastructure ...

All you need to know…Planning – Clause 6 of ISO 9001:2015

Risk! Risk Management: Identifying, Evaluating And Treating Risks Clause 6 has a number of new requirements, but you're already doing some of them. For example, if you have an estimating department, they are already practicing 'risk management'. If you have project ...

All you need to know…Leadership – Clause 5 of ISO 9001:2015

During the planning session of my very first ISO 9001 management system in 1992, the president of the company told me that he was very busy and didn't want to be bothered until the press came to take the picture ...

All you need to know…Context of the Organization – Clause 4 of ISO 9001:2015

Now that you've started your transition journey, perhaps we can save you some time and still make sure you end up with a system that is an asset for your organization, not a liability. This series is more of a ...

Toyota Production System Stands the Test of Time

The Toyota Production System (TPS) The TPS is renowned for its focus on reduction of the seven wastes to improve overall customer value. If you haven't read the originator, Taiichi Ohno's version, find a copy. ( The 106 pages in ...

Measurements can mess you up!

John Seddon, Vanguard Consulting, has been using the Toyota Production System and Systems Thinking for almost 3 decades. His work is well known throughout the Quality World and he has made significant improvements in processes for hundreds of organizations and ...

If we’re not getting better, it feels like it’s getting worse…

ISO 9001:2015 Clause 10 – Improvement This Clause is the 'money maker' for any organization - improvement = profits! Since the 2015 version of ISO 9001 has removed specific requirements for a procedure for 'Preventive Action', Clause 10 places increased importance ...

ISO 9001:2015 Clause 9 – Don’t let measurements undermine performance

A quick look confirms that there are no potholes in this part of the Transition Highway to 9001:2015. Generally speaking, the Monitoring, Measurement and Analysis requirements are VERY similar to the 2008 version. However, poorly designed measurements can actually cause ...