Category "Process flow"

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Process flow

What’s This ‘Cost Of Quality’ Thing?

Now that you're getting ready for Virtual Audits, it's time to look into the 'Cost of Quality' concept. All the ideas apply to Environmental, Health and Safety and all other management systems. How are we making sure our systems are ...

How to Design A Process for Protection

The path to comfort with your risk management plan can be a complicated on one hand and scary on the other. This may help get you started down this path with a plan to work with.  Since the 1960s we've ...

Are Our Measurements Helping Us Understand Customers?

John Seddon ( Tactics for Getting Started) has been helping companies improve processes for decades. He has improved organizations with 'Systems Thinking' based on Deming's work and the Toyota Production System that Taiichi Ohno created in post WWII Japan. He ...

Smooth Operator – ISO Clause 8

This is the 'Rubber Hits the Road' clause, especially for ISO 9001. The EMS and OHS standards both include the 'Emergency and Preparedness' in this section - Operations. By using a flowchart to illustrate your workflow you'll be able to ...