Category "Objectives"

There are 12 results found


Are Your Measurements Killing Performance?

Clause 9 requires that we monitor and measure the effectiveness of our management systems. For many, this becomes a chore with little or no valuable information to show for all their work. So if we're measuring, let's make sure it's ...

Rounding Up Our Resources – ISO Clause 7

To deliver what your customer wants, you need resources! The better you manage them, the more profitable you'll be. The better motivated your people are, the more resilient your organization will be, even in the Public Service - you'll be ...

SMART Targets…

Clause 6.2 requires that we set measurable objectives. This helps motivate people - just strap a FitBit to someone's wrist and watch what happens! Try SMART targets to make things clear to your folks: Specific Measurable Attainable (or Action-oriented) Relevant ...

Are We Out of Context?

In Clause 4 of ISO Standards using the High Level Structure (HLS) you'll see that we're required to identify 'internal issues', 'external issues' and 'interested parties and their requirements'. What possible value can this bring us? First of all, change ...

Customer Data – Now What??

The last two posts got us on the road to 'understanding customers better'. By the time we've gathered information on our customers' perceptions of how well we met their expectations, we could be lost in the weeds. ISO 10004 has ...

Corrective Actions…WIIFM?

Not everyone LOVES doing corrective actions, and that's an understatement! So why bother? Here are a few good reasons to carry out corrective actions: Corrective actions are one of the building blocks to system improvement. System improvement is required in ...

Unleash Potential…Drive Out FEAR!

You may recognize Deming's 8th 'Point' - Drive Out Fear. There's no better way to get people 'engaged' (ISO 9001, 5.1.1 h) than creating a work environment where people feel listened to and respected for their expertise, no matter how ...

A New Twist on PDCA

John Seddon, Vanguard Consulting, released a great book called 'Freedom From Command and Control'. There are plenty of great ideas in there, and I enjoy sharing them with you! Seddon started applying the 'Toyota Production System' to the service industry ...

Four Keys to Action Plans

You'll notice in ISO 9001:2015 that clause 6.2.2 requires action plans for Quality Objectives. Yikes! Here's the good news: these plans will help. Design your Action Plans to help you reach your targets - hitting targets will help you improve ...

Two Keys to Process Improvement

Too many well-intentioned improvement projects end up in the weeds. How does this happen? Too much focus on the process and not enough focus on the goal. Unless that process is really causing people grief they won't be all that ...