You May Need to Use ‘Concepts’ – Quality Culture – Block #7

Building Block #7

You need to use concepts

We need to walk out of the trees and look at the forest. Details are important, but can stifle our ‘lateral’ or ‘out of the box’ thinking. We need to see the long view in order to find a better way forward. Buried in details we’re like a fish trying to look at the water it’s swimming in. From outside of the forest, we can set a more general direction to developing the culture, tied into our Strategic direction. Focus on the details keeps our perspective too narrow to design alternatives and see possibilities. ‘Vague and blurry’ can sometimes open up the idea flow. Not good for brain surgery, but great for stimulating culture building.

Concepts that Management will have to promote will include Risk-based thinking and the Process Approach. Concepts will help people see how a Quality Culture can make the work environment better and more profitable.

This links to ISO 9001:2015 clause 5.1.1 d): “…promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking…” and clause 4.1 – Understanding the context of the organization

Know Quality, Know profit – No Quality, No Profit.

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